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Saturday, September 20, 2003


I can't stop reading stuff about computer security. Since my computer is already hacked, some might say it's a little late for that now.

Today I found a good blog devoted to "network security monitoring, incident response, digital forensics, and book reviews on related subjects." I learned in here about The Center for Computer & Communicatiions Security at Carnegie Mellon. I wonder what resources they have that I might be interested in.

Oh, and I found some really cool security tools you can download for free.

That reminds me of another cool thing I recently stumbled on. It seems to me that Microsoft just sort of sprinkles their goodies here and there, and if you find them great, if you don't too bad. Here's one I was glad to find. It also has, among its many gifts, free tool downloads. Check it out why don't you. There really are lots of useful things.

And I'm ripping and running again. Can't really give this blog justice today either. Too busy reading about security. And I did pause to read "Does Microsoft Give a Damn?"

Gotta go. The hackers are using the Word Perfect I installed today and they won't let me use it. I tried to install my printer again and still they won't let me. Now they won't let me use simple things or open anything from the control panel. They have to go. I am so tired of this.

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