Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Pssst. Hey you. Night-roamer. I didn't forget about you. See how I toned down the lights in the place. Not so bright now on your squinting eyes. Easier to nod off to maybe.
I brought you some more sleep stuff. I hope it's not as corny as last time. And I apologize about the music being too loud (and bad) in that one piece. But at least you know someone is thinking about you and yours. Because I got the messages that your kids and teenagers can't sleep either.
Let's start off with an old ditty from Alice Cooper just to prove there's no boogeymen under the bed, and you just think "Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me." Now pretend Mr. Rogers is still around. He would be asking you if you really thought that clowns could eat you. Well, could they? Picture Mr. Ronald McDonald. He might eat a burger, but you? Not even with plenty of pickles and mustard. Circus clowns are way too silly to think of such a thing. They are busy falling out of cars and blowing horns. There's a couple of bad applies in every profession, but that doesn't mean clowns are out to eat you. No siree.
Mr. Rogers is the answer to so many of our nightmares and daymares. You can still imagine his kind words and soothing voice. Just as he could teach children that they would "never go down the drain" in the bathtub, a very important lesson, he was great at calming adult fears as well. If you don't believe me, ask a harried parent who used to watch with her kids (or his) just to hear that she was special just she was , and that basically things were okay, even though he didn't come right out and say that. He just exuded peace. From the time that he changed into the cardigan that his mother knit for him, I started taking full breaths. It was going to be okay. I could make it another crazy day. And so can you. And clowns will not eat you. And the worries that keep you awake tonight will not even be memories in a month.
Do this little experiment. Put down all the stuff you're worrying about that's keeping you awake in your special worry notebook. Don't get too big of a notebook--something that will fit in your pocket is fine. You know the details. Why get writer's cramp? Jot down the worries enough to jog your memory later and relieve your mind now. It's in the book. You can let go now. And when will you worry about these things? During your special worry sessions. I suggest you schedule these every other Tuesday at ten o'clock till ten fifteen. That should do it. And when you take out the old worry notebook what do you think you'll find? A bunch of crap you forgot and don't give two hoots about anymore. I bet you're glad that you decided to get a good night's sleep instead of worrying about such nonsense that worked itself out anyhow in the end. It always does. So many things are simply out of our hands whether we like it or not. That's the hard part: acceptance. But if you can find it in you to accept things as they are, and put the rest in the worry notebook, you may end up snoozing before you finish writing.
Okay. Here's more I Can't Sleep stuff. Here's an odd little potpourri called Get Sleep. It's fairly electic and some of the links are sort of weird. It isn't all selling stuff. Maybe there's something for you. Perhaps the stuff about getting babies to sleep is there for you.
I've got something cool just for you. It's Night Writer Magazine. But it's not just for night workers. Here's how the description reads: "for night owls, insomniacs, and other denizens of the night. Possibly the first magazine to be published by night people for night people. Issues of interest to insomniacs, workers on the graveyard shift, and other night owls." It's got ABC news, something called the "Snooze Paper," a section called "Kindred Spirits," which I'm sure a lot of you can use since you probably feel all alone every night, movie links, something called "the late sleeper's bill of rights" beaucoup links and lots more. I'm proud of myself for finding you this one. Let me know if you enjoy it.
Well, night owls, it's 12:00 a.m. exactly, as I officially join your ranks. It's still early for me. I have laundry to get out of the dryer, fold, hang up and put away. I haven't eaten yet today and I think it's time to do something about that. Call it scrunch, call it just plain munch if you want, but give me something to eat. I started cleaning but lost interest, and now is as good as time as any. I don't like to use my peak hours for cleaning--what a waste of good energy I say. I downloaded my "free trial" of AOL's music net. It may take me all night to figure out how to get the damn thing to record a couple of CD's for my daughter, if it even does that. Maybe that's copyright infringement, in which case I ask "What's the point?" And I have to be at work at 9:00 a.m. which to me means the usual 10:30 a.m. that I stroll in every day. They are so silly to keep putting 9 on my schedule. I never go in that early. I barely make it at 10:30. My best sleep is around 5 a.m. to 8. I think I better go read that Bill of Rights for Late Sleepers. Maybe it's something I need to photocopy and distribute at work. I hate when they glare at me and give me the silent treatment. What a lot of passive aggressives in one place. It's much nicer when my friendlier co-workers say, "You are just in time for breakfast." Now that's how it should be every day.
Sweet dreams and keep those sheep jumping.
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Pssst. Hey you. Night-roamer. I didn't forget about you. See how I toned down the lights in the place. Not so bright now on your squinting eyes. Easier to nod off to maybe.
I brought you some more sleep stuff. I hope it's not as corny as last time. And I apologize about the music being too loud (and bad) in that one piece. But at least you know someone is thinking about you and yours. Because I got the messages that your kids and teenagers can't sleep either.
Let's start off with an old ditty from Alice Cooper just to prove there's no boogeymen under the bed, and you just think "Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me." Now pretend Mr. Rogers is still around. He would be asking you if you really thought that clowns could eat you. Well, could they? Picture Mr. Ronald McDonald. He might eat a burger, but you? Not even with plenty of pickles and mustard. Circus clowns are way too silly to think of such a thing. They are busy falling out of cars and blowing horns. There's a couple of bad applies in every profession, but that doesn't mean clowns are out to eat you. No siree.
Mr. Rogers is the answer to so many of our nightmares and daymares. You can still imagine his kind words and soothing voice. Just as he could teach children that they would "never go down the drain" in the bathtub, a very important lesson, he was great at calming adult fears as well. If you don't believe me, ask a harried parent who used to watch with her kids (or his) just to hear that she was special just she was , and that basically things were okay, even though he didn't come right out and say that. He just exuded peace. From the time that he changed into the cardigan that his mother knit for him, I started taking full breaths. It was going to be okay. I could make it another crazy day. And so can you. And clowns will not eat you. And the worries that keep you awake tonight will not even be memories in a month.
Do this little experiment. Put down all the stuff you're worrying about that's keeping you awake in your special worry notebook. Don't get too big of a notebook--something that will fit in your pocket is fine. You know the details. Why get writer's cramp? Jot down the worries enough to jog your memory later and relieve your mind now. It's in the book. You can let go now. And when will you worry about these things? During your special worry sessions. I suggest you schedule these every other Tuesday at ten o'clock till ten fifteen. That should do it. And when you take out the old worry notebook what do you think you'll find? A bunch of crap you forgot and don't give two hoots about anymore. I bet you're glad that you decided to get a good night's sleep instead of worrying about such nonsense that worked itself out anyhow in the end. It always does. So many things are simply out of our hands whether we like it or not. That's the hard part: acceptance. But if you can find it in you to accept things as they are, and put the rest in the worry notebook, you may end up snoozing before you finish writing.
Okay. Here's more I Can't Sleep stuff. Here's an odd little potpourri called Get Sleep. It's fairly electic and some of the links are sort of weird. It isn't all selling stuff. Maybe there's something for you. Perhaps the stuff about getting babies to sleep is there for you.
I've got something cool just for you. It's Night Writer Magazine. But it's not just for night workers. Here's how the description reads: "for night owls, insomniacs, and other denizens of the night. Possibly the first magazine to be published by night people for night people. Issues of interest to insomniacs, workers on the graveyard shift, and other night owls." It's got ABC news, something called the "Snooze Paper," a section called "Kindred Spirits," which I'm sure a lot of you can use since you probably feel all alone every night, movie links, something called "the late sleeper's bill of rights" beaucoup links and lots more. I'm proud of myself for finding you this one. Let me know if you enjoy it.
Well, night owls, it's 12:00 a.m. exactly, as I officially join your ranks. It's still early for me. I have laundry to get out of the dryer, fold, hang up and put away. I haven't eaten yet today and I think it's time to do something about that. Call it scrunch, call it just plain munch if you want, but give me something to eat. I started cleaning but lost interest, and now is as good as time as any. I don't like to use my peak hours for cleaning--what a waste of good energy I say. I downloaded my "free trial" of AOL's music net. It may take me all night to figure out how to get the damn thing to record a couple of CD's for my daughter, if it even does that. Maybe that's copyright infringement, in which case I ask "What's the point?" And I have to be at work at 9:00 a.m. which to me means the usual 10:30 a.m. that I stroll in every day. They are so silly to keep putting 9 on my schedule. I never go in that early. I barely make it at 10:30. My best sleep is around 5 a.m. to 8. I think I better go read that Bill of Rights for Late Sleepers. Maybe it's something I need to photocopy and distribute at work. I hate when they glare at me and give me the silent treatment. What a lot of passive aggressives in one place. It's much nicer when my friendlier co-workers say, "You are just in time for breakfast." Now that's how it should be every day.
Sweet dreams and keep those sheep jumping.
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