Saturday, August 30, 2003
Never thought I'd find myself cheering for the law, but there you go. Jeffrey Lee Parson, the 18-year-old who wanted to win friends and influence people by infecting their computers with the blaster worm variant, will soon be finding there are worse things in life than not being able to log on. I hope he does the whole ten years.
Oh believe you me I left a little note posted where my hackers couldn't miss it. I told them that they are next. I told them (stop reading if you're delicate) that I hope they enjoy it up the butt because that's what they'll be getting on a daily basis. Knowing a lot about computers doesn't get you too far in jail.
I should be rejoicing because another hacker is going away, but one thing really sticks in my craw. Parsons is busted for one count of "intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to a protected computer." What government agency had the protected computer? What about the rest of us schlubs who don't get to use our computers? Huh FBI? What about us? Don't we count? I can't believe they wouldn't help me. But maybe my incident report helped lead them to Parsons who knows?
But, hey, in reading this article, I noticed that I was right on in calling how it was done--basically, the same RPC stuff I wrote about the other day. More new flaws to get the attention of Windows' owners. And Bill Gates started the year saying this was the year of Microsoft trustworthiness. What a bunch of security bulletins and patches have gone down that chute.
On top of which MS goes and signs a $90 million deal with Homeland Security as their exclusive contractor and what do you make of that? I was just paranoid of them getting my information in their windows updates. Now what will they be doing with it?
This was a very long post and took me a pretty long time. Then I got up to get something. I'm in a public place. There was a teenage kid sitting next to me idly flipping through a shock jock's site I noticed. When I came back he was on his way out. Guess what? So was most of my post. I'll say it again: Sometimes paranoids are right. These people--these hackers--have conventions for God's sake. There not going to let me use all the articles and things I had to say. In fact I better just publish this and say so it goes.
I will be getting my computer back soon. That's a promise.
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