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Wednesday, July 23, 2003


Things are getting back to normal now at the old blog now that the crowds have thinned. I've got on my old house slippers again, and I'm skipping the make-up. Whew, company's gone. What an odd group. Wouldn't any of them say why they were here but one.

I haven't gotten my e-mail reply from Bush, but then my question was about why would he want to veto any appropriations bill with FCC limitations--probably a sore spot right now. But good news for us. More on that in a minute.

The things I do for this blog. I just came from wandering the White House halls. Yeecch. The place smells funny number one. Everything is a big secret there too. I noticed they just had a poll on "Who plays the president best on tv and the movies?" I clicked for results and it said the poll was no longer available. I checked for results of past polls, and they were there including recent July polls, but not that one. I guess too many creative suggestions led to a poll we'll never see. Damn. I would have been interested in that. While I was there I also signed up for e-mail updates on topics like homeland security, terrorism, and, get this, the compassion agenda. What in hell could that possibly mean to them? I do it all for you. We have to know the enemy to make fun of the enemy. And to wage war against the latest attempts to steal our freedoms we have to know what's going on, right? So I'll be reading more propaganda straight from the chimp's puppet masters' writers.

Okay, what do the National Organization of Women, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, organizations representing Hollywood writers and independent producers, and the National Rifle Association all have in common with one another? None of them want to see the media companies be as large and powerful as they would be under the new rules passed June 2nd . And, too, I didn't even give the Jeopardy answer of "What has bipartisan support?"

The president has promised to veto a large spending bill if media caps were returned to what they were prior to the vote June 2nd. The House begins debate today on the very appropriations the president promised to veto. It contains a provision that would overturn the new, June 2nd, media ownership rules. There is broad bipartisan support for this measure.

We may be in for a heck of a good fight, according to at least one source. Yeah, this is what I'm talking 'bout.

Not that we haven't seen some things already. The White House gave written veto threats Tuesday. But it's unlikely that Bush is going to get his wish here, and that that it will stand that a single company be allowed 45% of local stations rather than 35%.

Sen. Judd Gregg (R., N.H.) called this "a bill too big to veto." But the growing fight over media ownership rules and the desertion by some Republicans to join with Democratic committee members to approve the measure in the legislation on the floor of the House tonight could eventually wind up with a veto confrontation between President Bush and his Republican-controlled Congress. And wouldn't that be fun ? We'll see what happens tonight. Stay tuned. More to follow.

If only there would be a grassroots movement like this when it comes time to boot him the hell out of office.

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