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Sunday, June 22, 2003

Wow. I got an e-mail from someone asking if I was talking about him in my blog. Do you know what this means? I have at least one reader. I am overwhelmed. That's one more than I figured. I'd better watch my grammar now. I'll probably continue to split those infinitives though and end sentences with prepositions. But, really, how exciting.

I know my Republican brother will not be a reader. The question is "Do Republicans have a sense of humor?" I sent him some very funny actual quotes of our moron president making up words and tripping all over the English language sounding as stupid as he is. I figured regardless of political view it was funny stuff. He sent me back a very stiff chastising note. He said he is very busy this summer. Please don't send him things I know he is not interested in. He also asked me to refrain from ever again filling in his e-mail address on one of those "e-mail a friend" forms because he guards his e-mail address. I stand corrected, but really--how can even Republicans not laugh at the man? What do they tell themselves and each other when he says things like "Hispanically speaking" and talks about speaking "Mexican"? Just wondering.

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