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Sunday, June 22, 2003

I wasted hours and hours the last two days on a ridiculous program that came with my Dell Windows XP called Musicmatch. I wasn't too excited by it to begin with, but I figured I would get the free trial. I went out and got some blank CD's to burn, and signed the agreement after giving up my credit card info that goes into effect if I forget to cancel within seven days. Two days of this time-waster and I do believe I've had enough. First and foremost the music cuts out constantly. I wrote their tech support about it. But who needs that? The worst problem is that this program is so complicated it would take me seven days of solid reading and studying to be able to make a CD I think. I printed a book worth of instructions, read and re-read them and I still can't figure out how to get a track into my music library to play again later. Simple things like that they don't tell you. They are too busy always, always trying to sell you an upgrade to Jukebox Plus or they want to talk about the cool skins you can get. I'm not 17, I just want to be able to record some music on CD's. Too much to ask I guess. I do not recommend this program, and I told them so as plainly as I knew how. It's too bad because the basic idea behind the thing IS cool--ordering an artist on demand to play or matching an artist and others who are like him to play and making yourself a radio station of these songs to play again later. It all sounds good until you try to do it. Oh well.

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