Thursday, June 05, 2003
Here's a great way to go shopping, get a bunch of new stuff, and not spend a dime. Go to sites like these: Downloads and Freeware. Get yourself some cool freeware and shareware. They've got everything. I couldn't get over it. I picked up a tape clip of Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men saying, "You want the truth? You couldn't handle the truth." You never know when that might come in handy. They had sound clips from all kinds of things, not just tv and movies. I picked up a new browser, a cursor program. They've got those ICQ Lite communication things. It took me forever to try and figure out what they were. I guess they're one of those so-cool computer things that you shouldn't have to ask or something. But if you have a lot of friends, or are social and would like to have a lot of friends, I guess you'd like it. Here's the site that tells more about ICQ Lite. Those two sites above also have bunches of wallpaper, screensavers, software, graphics, games, desktop themes, fonts, and more. This site Elated has webmaster tools including free page kits. They offer help with these as well as direct you to tutorials. Come back with all your loot, check your credit card and it's untouched. Such a deal.
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