Monday, May 26, 2003
Why isn't this man running for President? God, I love to read his words. In the MoveOn Bulletin interviewwith Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) he is poetic and soulful in his responses to various people's questions. Listen to his first answer regarding how we can impact choices: "Many of those who want to speak out are cowed by the intimidation and ridicule that often accompanies going against the perceived grain. That is as true in Congress as it is outside the Capitol Beltway. At times of national distress, it is natural to want to come together and to look for leadership from a single, clear voice. But America's song has never been expressed by a single note It was never intended to be. America's music is not a solo, but rather a symphony made richer by the harmony of different views. Remember, our founders rejected a Monarchy,(sorry George) and sought, instead, a Republic. They chose a representative form of government that allowed the many voices of America to be heard." I just want to salute him, and nothing makes me even think of that gesture. He covers a lot of territory in a short interview. Everyone needs to read this interview because he makes such important points about what we can do to protect ourselves and our nation against the current regime: "read, study; write; talk with your neighbors; contact your lawmakers; ask real questions and do not settle for half-answers." He goes on. Move-On e-mailed it to me. I hope they get it out to lots of people.
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