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Friday, May 30, 2003

Well now, MsRefusnik, who doesn't really mean to flame, and who wants you to know that she does get bored with small-minded, memorized lines of confrontation even if it is from the "good book," will now take advantage of the silence of this blog to talk about an issue of great importance.) (Who knows? Perhaps it's of special interest to Jenna or Barbara Jr. after that wild naked pot party they had that got hushed up in a hurry, not that I have anything against wild naked pot parties, but poor Chelsea couldn't wear a white blouse for crying out loud It's not for MsRefusnik to cast aspersions, except to say that it's doubtful that they would "have to get married.") Anyhow, for years when I heard the phrase "partial-birth abortion (as you do relentlessly in this country what with the right-wing media whores and all) I always pictured that one poster you see at the right-to-lifers protest marches outside the clinic. You know, the viable fetus stretching out an arm as if waving goodbye, and begging, "Please don't suck me down the tube, Mom." That awful one. Put together by someone's sick science teacher uncle. So not questioning my disinformation, I told myself that I was still pro-choice but if they wanted to outlaw abortion of viable fetus' (think babies) maybe it was a good thing. Well, guess what? Partial-birth abortion is a term that is thrown around by the pro-life legislators and the media who are owned by the right wing fundamentalists to extract exactly the response I had. ( I need a neo-con virus scan. The beliefs can come so stealithy if you don't stop and question each single thing you put in your brain. ) Partial-birth abortion bans prohibit safe and common abortion procedures performed throughout pregnancy. The U.S. Court of Appeals in Carhart v. Steinberg Sept. 24, 1999 had this to say, "The law refers to partial-birth abortion, but this term, though widely used by lawmakers and in the popular press, has no fixed medical or legal content. In other words, it's a National Enquirer headdline and they get away with using it all the time. Read the myths and the facts yourself courtesy of the ACLU. Then after you've gotten debugged, (or maybe you're ahead of me on this) here's the next link to action. People have got to keep working on this. Now more than ever. Clinton twice vetoed the ban on so-called partial-birth abortions. It is up for vote soon in the the House and with this administration that doesn't look good. If it should get to the Supreme Court and Bush gets half his nominees... We can't go back. And another thing, since it's my blog and I'll blog if I want to: there is such a sleazy, low-down, despicable prejudice at work in this whole line of thinking that it boggles. Ask yourself how many women you've ever met who would consider a late-stage abortion of a viable fetus? I have known pregnant rape victims, pregnant widows, pregnant terminally ill, pregnant and getting a divorce, pregnant and in jail--you name it, but I have never met, nor can I even imagine, what kind of woman would willingly go through with a late stage abortion unless it was to save her own life. Again, fundamentalists, if you'd get you'd get your heads out of your bibles and learn to love people, you'd find you don't need to legislate morality the way you think you do. MsRefusnik has spoken.

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