Monday, May 19, 2003
Well I hate to bring it up since only RadioUseLand has the RSS feed(and Blogger Pro, my mistake--I'm new at this) so I can't link the New York Times articles I am about to refer to. But I'm sure everyone will be talking about yesterday and today's weblog stories. Yesterday's was okay. It was a fluff piece about the problems of dating a weblogger. I know I sure would have let a cheating ex or two have it--and the bitches they rode on too. But today's article was about NY blogs. It was about what you'd think. I guess the big one is Gawker, a name dropping rag about people you don't really care about. Sean Hayes was seen dining at a restaurant with a man. Wow, really? The links are weird too. NY Times described it as, "a voyeuristic, media-obsessed, gossipy and occasionally creepy blog" which got my interest but I was disappointed. New York City Bloggers is a community of a couple of thousand of bloggers. Looks like lots of interesting blogs. I will be browsing. Voted best blog (by his friends) in the NY Times article about NY blogs: is hip and trendy if you're a twenty something guy. It was all beyond me, but I did learn what trying to have sex on cocaine is like for a guy.
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