Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Well, even though I don't sleep at night, I know some folks do. For their benefit I will now provide a Dr. Seuss rhyme (don't scan it too closely if you're fussy) about Whoville and Grinches and some people you're bound to recognize. I am proud to say that most of my values haven't changed much since the Sixties. I may not recycle religiously but I don't pollute, much anyway. I ride a bicycle where I want to go. No big, fat SUV sitting in a garage somewhere waiting to cause another oil war. I am not a big consumer: I mostly shop at thrift stores. It's amazing what people toss; I guess because the newness is worn off. Fine by me. I like the funkiness of things. The personality. Anyhow, do what you can today. Always, always vote. And don't forget to stopand write. Letters are better than e-mail, but e-mail is better than nothing. Phone calls are always good. I mean do you really believe those 68-70% popularity polls the smirking chimp gets? With his war on poverty; i.e. the poor? And you ain't seen nothin' yet. What does the man have to do for America to wake up from its American Idol Big Mac flag-waving dream and see all that they've lost?
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