Tuesday, May 27, 2003
I found a great site for bibliophiles. It's BookCrossing.com, a global book club and reading group that improves your karma by allowing you to free books and not just let them gather dust on your shelves. You get to share well-loved books with strangers, friends and new acquaintances. You register the book before you leave it to the wild, and then when the person who finds it contacts BookCrossings, they will e-mail you and tell you. You can watch the progress of your book from person to person across the country or across the globe. BookCrossing members release books to one another. They post reviews of books, and list books they plan to give away. It is an international organization that meets for face to face meetings in larger cities, for those who are more social. For those who are more private, you may register and use your screen name for everything with only BookCrossings having your real name and address for mailings. I can't wait to start browsing through the list of free books. And to thin my ranks of books. It sounds so worthwhile. I wish I'd known that a percentage of your purchase at Amazon.com and at Barnes and Noble can be applied towards contributing to them.
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