Friday, May 30, 2003
MsRefusnik refuses to read daily horoscopes. You should see the look of polite patience mixed with derision when she rips that page out of her newspaper for some annoying co-worker. How can people believe that everyone born within the same 30-day period will all fall in love that day, or meet someone great or get a romantic letter? Bunch of hogwash. But wait. Don't throw out the planets with the posies. Tomorrow, May 31, 2003 is a big annular solar eclipse. The 16th of this month, as you may know, there was a lunar eclipse. Feel anything? You wouldn't, not yet, but you will. I'll give you a hint of what to expect. But first, did you know that the great megalithic sites found throughout Western Europe are thought to be early man's attempt to understand the movement of the sun, moon, planets and stars? Stonehenge, the most famous of these, built sometime before 2500 BC predating the Mycenaean civilization had no means of recording its knowledge, and yet it could pinpoint the solstices and predict eclipses. I know, I know, everybody knows this, but Think about it. Why? We are still not sure of the practical applications of this knowledge. Did it help in predicting the tides on dangerous coastlines? Tell when to plant crops? When to make sacrifices? Or was it more sophisticated astrological forecasting? (source: The Compleat Astrologer, by Derek and Julia Parker). Okay, what it means to you. According to astrology Susan Miller who has my favorite fun online astrology site, "Generally, eclipses act as triggers of enormous change, propelling us forward in ways we can't anticipate. These solar and lunar eclipses help us over bridges in life, and once we get to the other side, we would never want to go back to where we started. By the time we have gone through the lessons that each eclipse presents, we are wiser, stronger and much more seasoned. This process often takes months or even sometimes a year or more to complete."
"Life seems so different on the other side of the ravine, suddenly we realize how much has changed since we first set off in our new direction. Yet when we first embark on such a journey, we usually feel we aren't ready to undergo such a life-changing transition. There is always some trepidation about the undertaking until the universe proves to us that we are ready after all. The purpose of an eclipse is to speed up our maturity and enlightenment. An eclipse often feels like a hand on your back, pushing you assertively forward, like it or not. That's how eclipses get the results they're after." P.S. from me--today and tomorrow are a new moon period when what you sow you will reap at full moon, so be good and plant only things you want to see grow in every sense.
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