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Thursday, May 22, 2003

And we all instantly know what man of letters he's talking about: "a coked-out prophet in the Book of Revelation, a hillbilly bookworm on speed, a psycho-path with an arsenal of high-powered weapons, a paranoid gun junkie, a womaniser, a drunk and worse." Paul Theroux's reviewof the king of gonzo's latest does the good doctor proud. Of course he does go on to say that, "the truth is far weirder: most of the time Hunter Thompson is a strangely modest man, a serious thinker, a great wit, a superb satirist and a sports fan." He writes that he thinks that "Thompson has remained a writer of significance because, essentially a satirist, he has displayed an utter contempt for power - political power, financial power, even showbiz juice." And this despite the two movies. Another VERY interesting part of this review is the fact that the doctor predicted on 9/12/2000 there would be "a sort of Christian jihad" punishing someone for the attack. I can't wait to read the book.

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